1st, you need to have access to the bunker.
Then go down to the bottom were the Meatlump king is standing. Right in front of him you can get the mission ( Destroy all droids)
Get the mission then go in the kitchen and use the hatch and go down and start the quest, Only thing you kill is the security droids. dont attack the other's. The security droids can only take 1 or 2 hits from anything and its dead. so walk through the entire bunker only killing the security droids.
`*((NOTE))* Killing the security droids Fails the mission. DO NOT COMPLEATE..... After killing the security droids, go back up and go talk to the guy u got the mission from. and get it again.
then Repeat untill lvl 90. relly easy. and never ends
( if you compleate the mission.) you only gotta wait 24hr's to do it again.
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which quest is this?
Is it 'Destroy All Droids' or 'Destroy All Non-Security Droids'? I only get about 16k exp with the Destroy All Non-Security Droids one.
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