Been doing this for a few weeks now, and have already gotten about 9 liquids.
What you'll need:
Level 90 Commando
Stated suit (Make sure you have Heal Potency as exotics, any suit should work)
Fizz Pudding with high usage
Heal Potency Powerups (+10-15s, weapon/armor/shirt ones)
Five Piece Frontman (Not required, but helps ALOT)
Now, You'll want an expertise set-up with:
Full suppression fire line
Full You'll Regret That
Stim Armor
Full Position Secure line
Full Stand Fast Line (With blast resistance)
Set up your toolbar like so:
1: It Burns
2: Suppression
3: Stim Armor
4: Heal
5: Mine
6: Position Secured
7: Fizz Pudding Stack
8: Mustafarian Injector (Leave blank if you don't have one)
9: Armor PuP
10: Clothing PuP
11: Weapon PuP
Make the Following Macros:
Name: constants
/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause .7;
/ui action toolbarSlot01;
/pause .7;
/ui action toolbarSlot02;
/pause .7;
/ui action toolbarSlot03;
/pause .7;
/ui action toolbarSlot04;
/pause .7;
/m constants;
Name: lootcorpse
/ui action cycleTargetsOutwardFriendly;
/pause .1;
/pause .1;
/m lootcorpse;
Name: PS
/ui action toolbarSlot05;
/pause 630;
/m PS;
Name: rebuff
/ui action toolbarSlot06;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot07;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot08;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot09;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot10;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot11;
/pause 1020;
/ui action toolbarSlot06;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot07;
/pause 1020;
/m rebuff;
Grab Medic buffs, a good heavy weapon, and an Entertainer buff (8% heal Potency, 24% heal on damage chance, 3000 Energy protection), fizz pudding, and take a hit of your Powerups.
Fight your way into the DWB until you get to the second keyroom. Above it and to the east is a side room with a Coal Bin (point 10 on this map). Theres a Wraith and a Bloodguard in there.
Kill the Wraith first, then wait. Allow the bloodguard to attack you for 3-5minutes before killing it, to stagger the respawn.
Go into the north-west corner of the room, face out towards the room. Open your options tab, go to Graphics, then slide the 'Field of view' slider so its all the way up (Fish-eye mode).
Run the four macros. These will cycle target, kill the target, loot it, keep you healed, rebuff you when your food/pups cycle out, and keep your position secured active.
Depending on how good of a set-up your toon has, you will either be able to do this afk for 5 hours (Until your entertainer buff dies) or for around 12 hours (When the spawn breaks its stagger and gets you 2 v 1).
Check your toon every 6-12 hours to clear out garbage from your inventory.
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