One of our members asked for something either similar to this or this one exactly so in my search I found this one!
I decided to try and create a sampling macro that would maximize the amount of time you spent sampling and the amount of resources you sampled and minimize the inherent drift caused by standing when your action bar runs out. I came up with this.
First, make sure you have a pet that has learned Resource Scavenger. Make sure the pet is named.
Call out the pet, and command it to stay. Then have it start scavenging. As soon as you have it start scavenging, run the macro:
/follow buttmonkey;
/pause 3;
/pause 15;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 15;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 15;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 15;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 15;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 15;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 15;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 15;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 15;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 15;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 5;
/ui action defaultButton;
/pause 2;
/pause 17;
/ui action petToolbarSlot3;
/macro sample;
My pet is named Buttmonkey, hence the first line of the macro. The command to activate the Resource Scavenger command is in slot 3 of my pet toolbar, hence the command at the bottom "/ui action petToolbarSlot3;". Yours may be in a diferent slot. The slots are numbered from left to right, 0-8. Change that number in the line to whichever slot your command is in. The macro runs a length of about 2:55.
Using this macro, I left myself sampling overnight. I returned at noon today to find I was still within 1m of my original location. When your toon drifts too far away, the first line of the macro brings him back where he belongs. You will never drift out of range of that perfect spot, and the pet adds 50% to your sampling. In 9 or so hours of sampling on only a 63% concentration, I had already picked up over 35K of resources.
More mmorpg macros.
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