Monday, April 6, 2009

AFK leveling Trader, how to really AFK level your trader

Many people want to level their trader but the only way you can really level your trader is semi-afk... well thats over my friends! With the method I'm about to show you, you can COMPLETELY AFK level your trader! It worked perfectly for me. Lovely for when you don't have time for Leveling your trader when you actually want to watch T or sleep. :P
Your going to need AC Tool for this to work! --->AC Tool Download Link<---

Anyway enough chit chat, lets get this on the road!

Final note: This worked best for me when I was a structure trader and I just made Fountains...
Final note 2: Also run the game in window mode... works for alt+tabing to AC Tool

STEP 1: Download AC Tool

STEP 2: Open up your SWG and create a Structure Trader (Best way to level up)

STEP 3: Get some resources to make a fountain from your alt or buy some (Really not that much needed)

STEP 4: Now Alt+Tab to AC Tool if its already running

STEP 5: Ok this is the part where you really got to read very carefully!

For this part I'll make a easy Copy and Paste method, BUT there are fields that your going to have to do yourself. Don't get scared now when i said that... its REALLY easy to do ^^

AC Tool should be in the "Commands and Macros" Tab, if it is, good!

Now open the crafting tool and quickly craft a "Structure and Furniture Crafting Tool" make sure that is NOT a practice session, YOU NEED THAT TOOL!

Place the tool in the Number 9 slot

Press ALT so that your mouse can move freely, and click the crafting tool (Please click it and not press 9)

Scroll down till you see Fountain (remeber if you want to crafting something else than a fountain, YOU CAN :))

Double click the Fountain and then it should come to the part where you have to fill in the resources, close the window. At this point your mouse should still be able to move freely.

Alt+Tab to the AC Tool Copy/Paste this part in the first row...

While 1 = 1

Now after that is in the first line press enter. Now move the AC Tool to the corner of the screen so that you can see the SWG window and command tabs clearly. (Do NOT click on the SWG window)

Now only HOVER your mouse cursor over the "Structure Crafting Tool" you placed into slot 9 earlier and press "Ctrl+M" this should placed a command in the AC Tool looking Something like this

MousePos X, Y

"The X and Y should be repaced with numbers so don't worry about that :)"

Now click on the SWG window so that it is now selected. Press Alt if your mouse doesn't move freely. Click on the Tool in slot 9.

Now you should see that the Fountain (or what ever it is you wanted to craft) is in the list menu. It is import that you go to AC Tool but NOT Alt+tabing to it... instead press Ctrl+Esc. (This prevents SWG from switch the freely moving mouse back to a crosshair)

Click on the AC Tool in your Bottem Bar and hover your mouse over the Fountain (Or whatever you want to craft) and press Ctrl+M again to get the "Pos" of the mouse.

Alright your AC tool Command list should look something like this now

While 1 = 1

MousePos X, Y
MousePos X, Y

Manually type the following so that it looks like this

While 1 = 1

MousePos X, Y
delay 5 sec
MousePos X, Y
Delay 5 sec

Now click on the SWG window again and double click the Fountain (Or whatever thing it is you want to craft)

Make sure you only have the Resources in your Inventory that the Fountain (Or w/e) requires!

Now Ctrl+Esc and lclick the AC Tool in your Bottem bar again and hover your mouse over the First resouce and Press Ctrl+M and do the same with the 2nd and 3rd.

Once thats done your command list should like like this

While 1 = 1

MousePos X, Y
Delay 5 sec
MousePos X, Y
delay 5 sec
MousePos X, Y
MousePos X, Y
MousePos X, Y

Now in between the last 3 "Pos" make it look something like this

While 1 = 1

MousePos X, Y
Delay 5 sec
MousePos X, Y
delay 5 sec
MousePos X, Y
delay 2 sec
MousePos X, Y
delay 2 sec
MousePos X, Y
delay 5 sec

Now click on the SWG menu again and create a new macro. Just Copy and paste this in the macro. Name it whatever you like

/createProtoType practice no item;
/createPrototype practice no item;

Place that into slot 7

Now Cntrl+Esc again and click on the AC Tool... Hover mouse over the new macro in slot 7 and press Ctrl+M to make the "Pos" and under that command type "LeftClick" and under that type "delay 30 sec" (Change the 30 depending on the time it takes for the Tool to recharge"

Ok now press Enter 3 times at the end of the command list and type "End"

The Commands list should look something like this now

While 1 = 1

MousePos X, Y
Delay 5 sec
MousePos X, Y
delay 5 sec
MousePos X, Y
delay 2 sec
MousePos X, Y
delay 2 sec
MousePos X, Y
delay 5 sec
MousePos X, Y
delay 30 sec


Now click on the SWG window and make sure the mouse can move freely with no windows open. If not just press Alt.

Ctrl+Esc and click the AC Tool at the bottem. Now click right below "While 1 = 1" and hover your cursor over ANY part of the SWG window aslong as it selects nothing if you click on it and press Ctrl+M and below the "Pos" Command type "LeftClick"

Now for the Big Moment... Press F2 to start AC Tool and watch as it selects the crafting tool, selects the Item, Selects the resources, and selects the macro to make a practice run which will give you EXP... and it will keep repeating it!

Feel Free to modify the commands in the AC Tool as you like if you think you understand it.

Just to give you a Example... my Command list looks like this

P.S. This is a Exact copy. Don't try to just copy and paste this... it might not work :P

While 1 = 1

MousePos 87, 142
delay 2 sec
MousePos 800, 769
Delay 5 sec
MousePos 197, 724
delay 5 sec
MousePos 258, 251
delay 2 sec
MousePos 270, 322
delay 2 sec
MousePos 201, 325
delay 5 sec
MousePos 871, 771
delay 30 sec


Hope this guide helped. :)

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Unknown on June 29, 2009 at 9:49 AM said...

This will work, however. I made an similiar way to do this, and this is not allowed to do, as it uses an 3rd party software for your own advantage, it can be detected by SOE and you'll be facing a few days suspension if not a permanent.

I highly recommend that you do NOT use this. Structures Traders can easily be leveled to 90 in a few hours by Semi-AFK.

Unknown on June 29, 2009 at 10:00 AM said...

Further proof; Not is it only disallowed, it's also illegal. SOE may very well send an lawsuit if you use this technique, and you can be caught with relative ease.

"Greetings <---->,

That would be considered illegal. Use of 3rd party software is not allowed. Honestly, you don't need it. Leveling a Structures Trader using macros is easily doable with the in-game macro interface.

If there is anything else we can assist you with, please do not hesitate to contact us again.


Star Wars Galaxies
Sony Online Entertainment"

Those comments should be accepted as this is an really important issue, and it's for not your own but others best.


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