Tuesday, June 2, 2009

swg macro- JunkFarm Script

JunkFarm Script
Before you begin open up an examine window and drag it out of the way

    Global $Paused
    HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause")
    HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")
    Opt("MouseClickDragDelay", 100)

    Sleep("1000"); Pause to switch to SWG - Windowed Mode
    $i = 0; Infinite loop

    SplashTextOn("Setup", "Leftclick on the Main Spot (where non-junk item will be)", 400, 100, -1, -1, 1, "Ariel", 14); Turn on splash dialog
    While 1; Infinite loop for mouseclick
    If _IsPressed("01") Then; If Mouse1 (Left Mouse) is clicked
    $pos = MouseGetPos(); Store mouse position
    ExitLoop; Exit the loop, got mouse click & position
    WEnd; End infinite loop
    SplashOff(); Turn off splash dialog

    $varX = $pos[0]; MouseX -> varX
    $varY = $pos[1]; MouseY -> varY

    $x = 2
    if($x<>3) Then
    MouseClick("right", $varX, $varY, 1); Right click item
    Sleep("300"); Pause for context menu to load
    Send("{3}"); Choose stack on junk items
    MouseClick("right", $varX, $varY, 1); Right click item, for non-junk items
    Sleep("500"); Pause, to enforce stacking, just in case
    Send("{" & $x & "}"); Loops trough all context 2 trough 5
    Sleep("100"); Pause before loop restarts
    $x = $x + 1
    Until $x = 1 + 5
    Until $i = 1

    ;Pause Script
    Func TogglePause()
    $Paused = Not $Paused
    While $Paused
    ToolTip('Script Paused', 0, 0)
    EndFunc ;==>TogglePause

    ;Terminate Script
    Func Terminate()
    Exit 0
    EndFunc ;==>Terminate

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